128×64 Graphic Green LCD Display Module-JHD12864E

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There are various graphical LCDs like 128×64 Graphic LCD Display JHD12864E  are available in the market with different sizes. Here 128*64 Graphic LCD JHD12864E GLCD has been explaining. This LCD has a display format of 128×64 dots and has a yellow-green color backlight. Each LCD needs a controller to execute its internal operations. This LCD uses two KS0108 controllers.
The Graphic LCD 128×64 is divided into two equal halves with each half being controlled by a separate KS0108 controller. Such LCDs (using a KS0108 controller) involve paging scheme, i.e., whole LCD is divided equally into pages.
Package Includes:

1 x 128×64 Graphic Green LCD Display Module-JHD12864E

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